The spatial patterns of hydrologic response were more immediately informative and are much simpler, and less ambiguous, for use in applications ranging from trafficability to irrigation management to flood control. to soil physics structure hydrology aeration temperature and analysis. We then developed a QGIS plugin to construct soil maps using any clustering approach with georeferenced soil data from the Natural Resource Conservation Service Web Soil Survey. and understand the processes of soil nutrient cycling and the ecology of extreme. Differences in classifications based on hydrologic response versus soil texture, demonstrate that traditional soil texture classification is a poor predictor of hydrologic response. We compare these process-based classifications to those based on soil texture and a single hydraulic property, Ks. Title: Analysis of SURRGO data and obtaining soil texture classifications for simulating hydrologic processes. We describe one possible basis for classification: changes in water content near the ground surface during periods with and without precipitation. Hydrologic simulations were performed using HYDRUS1D for a wide range of soils, spanning textures identified by the United States Department of Agriculture soil texture triangle. Using a k-means clustering algorithm we developed an approach for soil classification based on hydrologic responses of soils to common meteorological conditions. We suggest a new approach to soil classification, with a detailed example from the science of hydrology. Here, we show that these traditional soil classifications can be inappropriate, contributing bias and uncertainty in areas from slope stability to climate change. These readily available, georeferenced soil maps and databases are used widely in environmental sciences. There is a long-established convention for identifying and mapping soils by texture. Technical Abstract: Soils lie at the interface between the atmosphere and the subsurface and are a key component that control ecosystem services, food production, and many other processes at the Earth's surface. This work provides a new perspective for people in these industries to consider how soils can be classified based on their hydrologic function. The USDA Soil Texture Triangle is widely used for many applications, including irrigation management, flood control, construction, and trafficability. The methodology was also used to demonstrate how soil texture maps could be re-envisioned based on hydrologic response instead of soil texture. As compared to the original USDA Soil Texture Triangle, different patterns emerged when soils were classified using the new methodology, indicating that soil texture is a poor indicator of hydrologic response. Soils were then reclassified based on their hydrologic function rather than their soil texture. In the present study, the HYDRUS-1D simulation model, which analyzes water flow through the soil profile, was used to assess hydraulic and hydrologic properties of each soil texture on the USDA Soil Texture Triangle. However, with regard to the hydraulic and hydrologic function of soils, this classification approach is somewhat arbitrary. Soils were classified using measurements of soil texture, determined by assessing the fraction of three soil particles with different sizes: sand, silt, and clay. Interpretive Summary: The USDA Soil Texture Triangle was developed in the 1930's by the Soil Conservation Service. Hydrologic-process-based soil texture classifications for improved visualization of landscape function. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) (USDA 2016a) soils database and Geographic Information System (GIS) to obtain the soil texture classifications from SSURGO tabular data and add them to the spatial soils data.Citation: Groenendyk, D.G., Ferre, T.A., Thorp, K.R., Rice, A.K. complex due to heterogeneity of soil textures and the driving forces of heat and matrix. Purpose: This Coastal and Hydraulics Engineering Technical Note (CHETN) describes a method using the U.S. Hydrological Processes ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date :, DOI. Soil infiltration rate-Computer simulationĮngineer Research and Development Center (U.S.) Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item:Īnalysis of SURRGO data and obtaining soil texture classifications for simulating hydrologic